How to Be Parisian…


How to Be Parisian
Wherever You Are

by Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Anne Berest, & Caroline de Maigret

[Hah! If only it was as simple as reading a book… 😉 ]

I absolutely adored this cute, classy, & comedic collection (how’s that for alliteration…) of lists, quotes, tales, advice, and poetic prose. The entirety of it was a true delight; you’ll doubtlessly get a ‘lil taste of it if you peruse the quotes below.

I purchased this book on a whim while browsing at the Gibert Joseph on Boulevard Saint Michel several weeks ago – the vast majority of this particular bookshop’s novels, guides, etc. are in French; I was actually in there searching for a easy-peasy children’s book to improve my vocabulary, but – of course – managed to stumble upon this bundle of English adorableness. Intrigued by the title, I picked it up, rapidly skimmed through the various (not to mention darling) parts, pages, and chapters, then abruptly decided that I must, must, must buy it. In other news, I will always be poor, guys. No kidding. I am addicted to pretty things.

Anyways, I highly recommend giving this sweetness a read. It is lighthearted, fun, and ought to be taken with a grain of salt… usually.

A 2016 goal of mine is to share books I heart more often. We’ll see how this goes. xx

♥ ♥ ♥

10 Favorite Quotes

  1. “Be aware of your qualities and your faults. Cultivate them in private but don’t obsess.”
  2. “She’s Parisian, which is to say she’s melancholy. Her mood responds to the changing colours of her city. She can feel a sudden surge of sorrow or even hope for no reason at all. In the blink of an eye, all those lost memories and smells come flooding back, reminding her of loved ones who are no longer there. And time passing by.”
  3. “Let’s be honest: the Parisienne is a selfish woman.”
  4. “You don’t have to spend a decade’s worth of salary on your wardrobe, or flaunt designer brands the whole time. All you need is one signature item: the one you wear when you need to feel strong.”
  5. “Always look as if you are gazing at the sunset. Even during rush hour in the Métro. Even when picking up frozen pizza from the supermarket.”
  6. “Be friends with people of different generations. (Both young and old, but especially the old.)”
  7. “You are anonymous in your own city; no one knows your age, who you are, or what you do for a living. In this moment, you can regain control of your life. Feel the beating of your heart, take a deep breath, and listen to yourself.”
  8. “Take the time to take time because nobody else will do it for you.”
  9. “She loves treating herself to flowers.”
  10. “The Parisienne is in love with the idea of love.”

♥ ♥ ♥

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8 comments on “How to Be Parisian…”

  1. I’ve wanted to pick up this book for a while! It was great to read your review, Abby. The quotes you’ve shared have me thinking I’ll need to pick it up sooner rather than later! xx

  2. This book has been on my TBR list for a little while now! Love that you’re sharing some books, and especially the quote section (you know me, I love me some quotes). I do wonder, is this book kind of like an anthology of stories? Or more essay-like? Or something else? -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • Well, it’s thanks to you that I even thought to pull out my favorite quotes, Audrey! I need to give you credit for that, hahah. I’m not quite sure how to describe this book… there are sections that are bullet pointed, a few more romantic story-like scenes, bits of advice, quotes, a bit of history, a section with French words you *need to know*… it’s a bit of everything, really, which kept me flipping the pages to see what would come next! There are some gorgeous photos in there, too. <3

  3. oooh I love the 10 quotes you picked out!

  4. “Always look as if you are gazing at the sunset.” I love that, wise words indeed! See, being Parisian isn’t so hard after all ;).