Postcards from the Santa Monica Pier

Lace & Lilacs

Lace & Lilacs

Lace & Lilacs


Lace & Lilacs

Lace & Lilacs

Lace & Lilacs

Lace & Lilacs

sunny days in santa monica…

Bonjour, lovelies!

Apologies for my recent absence; I have been traveling and settling into my summer home and job in Toulouse. Posts may continue to be infrequent over the course of the following weeks, as I have decided to spend the vast majority of my spare time studying French. To catch up with me daily follow along on Instagram (@lacelilacblog, @digitaldarlings, & @lacelilaclooks) and/or Snapchat (abby_ingwersen).

Pretty please enjoy the above images… analog shots from the time in spent in Santa Monica this past June.



♥ ♥ ♥

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19 comments on “Postcards from the Santa Monica Pier”

  1. Ok, so I might be a bit biased, but these may just be my favorite. I love everything about them. The colors are so dreamy and I feel like I’m in an old film. Thank you for bringing this beauty to my eyes. xx Laura

  2. Gorgeous work, as always!

  3. Hi Abby,

    Great photos of Santa Monica. Looking at these photos, it seems like time has frozen or that we went back to 50s. I don’t know, I just got that vibe 🙂

    Have a great time in Toulouse and best wishes on learning more French!

    Ron | Nearby Wanderer

  4. I love how cuute and nostalgic these photos look, gorgeous!

  5. Tes photos sont vraiment super Abby ! Il faut absolument prendre quelques photos de Toulouse et nous les montrer ! Je suis sure qu’il est charmant. Je souhaite que je pourrais être en France maintient mais en tout cas, j’espère que tu t’amuses bien ! Tu aimes bien ton travaille à Toulouse ?

    • Thanks so much, Anne! I’m responding in English because I am totally exhausted right now and don’t have the energy to craft a response in French… but I still fully intend to and will ASAP – answering your question about my work in Toulouse, of course! Would love to message back and forth en français sometimes. <3

  6. Your photos are so pretty.
    I love the vintage summer-y feel to them. 🙂


  7. Oui, ça serait sympa ! Je sais que tu es très occupée à ce moment alors je vais t’envoyer un email et tu peux répondre quand tu as les temps. 😀

  8. I love these dreamy shots, the mood is simply perfect!

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