Year Five

five years of lace & lilacs…

Five years have passed since I launched this little space of mine on the web, and while in theory that may not be a particularly long span of time… so much has changed since 14-year-old me decided to start a blog. I’ll keep this fairly brief today, I certainly haven’t as much to say as I did last year, and just below are the links to my favorite memories of this chapter of my life, this chapter of Lace & Lilacs. I truly devoted this past year, especially these past several months, to French and my progress with the language is without a doubt my greatest accomplishment of this ‘blog-year’. I’m thrilled to have a new camera as well, and to have officially created a photography business and website, which you can view here.

Thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me that you pop into this precious space of mine every so often to read, pin, or leave a sweet comment. Merci.

Moments to Remember

  1. My mom and I spent a few days together in L.A., visiting the prettiest sights and shooting heaps of lovely photos.
  2. I visited London with my dad and saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! We went to Dublin, too. ‘Twas fun.
  3. In August, following my time as an au-pair in Toulouse, my mom and I traveled to Rome together and had the best time.
  4. I made some amazing friends this year. Like Olivia! I photographed her in September!
  5. I turned 19.
  6. My dad and I visited Berlin for my birthday! It was cold. I caught a cold. I wouldn’t trade the memories for anything.
  7. I traveled alone for the first time, to Palma de Mallorca. It was an incredible experience.

Year Five Statistics

  • Pinterest: 131,375 Followers
  • Twitter: 389 Followers
  • Facebook: 134 Likes
  • Instagram: 1,143 Followers (@lacelilacblog), 254 Followers (@digitaldarlings), 418 Followers (@lacelilaclooks), 95 Followers (@polaroidsbyabby)
  • Steller: 34.4k Followers

• • •

cinq années de lace & lilacs…

Ça fait déjà cinq années depuis la journée où j’ai lancé ce petit blog sur l’internet et même si ce n’est pas une très longue période de temps, beaucoup de choses avaient changé depuis quand j’avais quatorze ans et décidé que je voulais créer mon propre blog. Je n’ai pas beaucoup de choses à dire aujourd’hui, donc ce poste sera assez bref. Vous pouvez voir mes moments préféré de ce chapitre de ma vie et de Lace & Lilacs ci-dessus… la plupart des postes sont seulement en anglais, mais depuis janvier 2017 tous mes postes sont écrit en français ainsi que l’anglais. Je sais faire toujours beaucoup d’erreurs mais si je n’essaie pas ce n’est pas possible que je vais améliorer. Je me consacrais à la langue français cette année et mon progrès est la chose dont je suis plus fière maintenant. Hier j’ai passé le DELF B1 et j’espère que j’ai réussi. On verra…

Merci à vous pour être là, sur mon blog, quand vous avez le temps. Je suis très reconnaissante pour votre soutien et votre gentillesse.

Bisous !

♥ ♥ ♥

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4 comments on “Year Five”

  1. Still loving you and what you do! It’s incredible how hard you’ve been working on your French IRL and how that has translated into growing your blog to be bilingual 🙂 Happy blogiversary! <3 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

  2. ahhhh it’s been an amazing 5 years girl! happy blogiversary!